Saturday, May 9, 2015

Review: 2015 Doggie Dash

What: Doggie Dash (for the Oregon Humane Society)
Where: Portland, Oregon
When: May 9, 2015
Distance: 5K and 1 1/2 miles

Just returned from my annual trek with M to the Doggie Dash, a fun walking and running event for canines and their humane companions. :)  It benefits the Oregon Humane Society.
I took part in this event with M, a small but mighty fluffy little dog, last year. It wore him out for two to three days, resulting in me deciding that it would an annual event for us both.
This is not a timed event and is fairly relaxed. There really are just thousands of dogs and people, walking (and running) around Portland's waterfront during the event.
They offer two distances - a traditional 5k that goes around the river and a shorter distance that keeps you on one side.
Because of my companions limitations (plus his abundance of fur ... and a fairly warm day), we opted for the shorter distance.
One of my favorite parts about the event is they hold a Doggie Dash Fair of sorts as part of the day each year. This is great opportunity for dogs to socialize and meet new friends. My canine partner's philosophy this year? Leave no rear unsniffed! ;) He exchanged sniffs with so many other dogs and was so, so happy. That was made the day totally worth it. And he even instigated playing with a few dogs, which usually it's other dogs instigating the playing with him. That was just great!
There are always a ton of great samples to pick up during the fair, as well as cool stuff to purchase. 

This picture doesn't show it all, but we came home with a bunch of foods, treats and goodies for M to try. He even got a few toys, a traveling water bowl and  K-9 seatbelt. We also received some treats and catnip to give to the neighbor kitties. Their owners were thrilled. 
A huge thank you to the generous vendors... and to the Oregon Humane Society for putting on such a fun event!
I definitely look forward to taking part in this event again with my canine buddy!  

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