Saturday, March 26, 2016

Review: 2016 Luckython

What: 2016 Luckython
Where: Reserve Golf Course in Aloha
When: March 12, 2016
Distance: 5k
(Disclosure: Race Entry was comp'd, but words and thoughts are completely my own.)

Uberthons always puts on a good race and this was no exception.  
The 2016 Luckython once again was the Reserve Golf Course. I love this venue because (1) it's just totally nice, and (2) it's friendly to those who go fast and those who go slow.
 I had big plans to wear a costume, but with many days of rain leading up to race day (and rain expected on race day), I opted for the boring. I settled with an Irish-themed T-shirt and head band. The tutu and other Irish inspired custom pieces stayed home. (Insert: Sad Face... because costumes make it so much more fun, you know?!).
One cool thing about this year's race was the folks at Uberthons offered two start times - 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. I opted for the 8 a.m. time., just to have that extra time because I do go slow.
And this race proved to be an extra slow one for this girl. I'd been wrestling with some foot pains for awhile and have been taking lots efforts to get the foot back in a good place. 
I told myself for this race that it wasn't at all about time. It was just completing it... and not having a painful foot. 
So let's say that on both accounts, I was successful. But gosh it was slow going for me. I blame it all on my efforts to have a pain free foot but more my wimpiness at going through water puddles and slowing down at any sighting of even a spec of mud on the paved trail. As I said, wimpy girl is me!
The race course was completely paved, winding through the Reserve Golf Course. But it was a rainy (light) and windy day, resulting in water and some light mud in spots. I'm a wimp. I fully admit it. The thought of a face plant resulted in me really putting the brakes on and going really, really, really slow... and telling myself, "Self, let's just get this done. Don't fall. Just go. You can do it." Hee hee!
So it was slow. But I made it through the course, safe and sound... and face plant free (and also foot pain free).  And still had a good feeling at the end that I completed the course!  Can't beat that.

What we got:
A ticket to go through the Potato Bar after the race. Hello, baked potato goodness (+ fruit and water)!
And a finisher's medal. This year's finisher's medals from Uberthons are belt buckles too. You can wear them as a medal or use them as belt buckles. And if you are a speedy one, there pins for top finishers in all the age groups, as well as bonus medals for top overall finishers. 

Will I do it again?
You bet. Uberthons events are some of my favorites. I plan on taking part in them for a long time.

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